Transportation & Roads

Lynnwood is a destination city for shopping, dining, and hotel visitors. Upwards of 100,000 people can pass through our city in a single day to work, play and shop. I support finding ways to make Lynnwood even more pedestrian and bicycle friendly because every person that can get around Lynnwood without a car is a little less road congestion for all of us.

Senior walking
Senior walking

Public Safety

It’s impossible for us to predict exactly what the impact on our city will be. From talking to Lynnwood residents, I know that there are concerns that light rail could bring an increase in crime. I support keeping Lynnwood competitive in training and hiring the best officers available and will work closely with our department to be sure our staffing needs are keeping pace with Lynnwood’s rapid growth.

Preparing For The Future While Preserving The Past

Lynnwood is currently in a strong position with the renewal of Alderwood Mall, the growth of City Center, and the arrival of light rail. We need to see to the successful completion of these projects and continue to find ways for Lynnwood to be ahead of the curve.

high school kids
high school kids

Senior Citizens, Students,

& Veterans

One of the best things about Lynnwood is what a senior-friendly city we are. Lynnwood is very walkable, has many transportation and shopping options and the city is home to many senior living facilities. I want to maintain and expand our sidewalk network and improve crosswalks where needed to keep Lynnwood walking-friendly.