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Transportation and Roads 

Lynnwood is a destination city for shopping, dining, and hotel visitors. Upwards of 100,000 people can pass through our city in a single day to work, play and shop. Our roads and how well traffic flows are the public face of Lynnwood that residents and visitors see most often. It’s vital to the city that we continue to maintain and improve the roads we have while still looking to innovate further. I support finding ways to make Lynnwood even more pedestrian and bicycle friendly because every person that can get around Lynnwood without a car is a little less road congestion for all of us.

We’re also set to enter a new era of mass transit. When the 196th project is finally finished we’ll have dedicated lanes for buses and (hopefully) a much more efficient drive for people using that street. Light rail is going to bring big changes as well. I support programs that have the potential to reduce traffic like our new “Zip” shuttle service.